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High Performance Pre-Insulated Pipe Solutions

Revolutionizing efficiency in HVAC/R systems with state-of-the-art pre-insulated piping. Our comprehensive solution combines innovation, durability and superior performance to optimize your installations. Reduce energy costs, minimize condensation and accelerate your projects with a system that adapts to diverse industrial and commercial applications. ThermoZmart is not just a pipe; it's your partner for a more efficient and sustainable future in thermal management.

Reduced heat/energy loss.

Optimization of energy resources.

High efficiency.

Revolutionizing efficiency in HVAC/R systems with state-of-the-art pre-insulated piping. Our comprehensive solution combines innovation, durability and superior performance to optimize your installations. Reduce energy costs, minimize condensation and accelerate your projects with a system that adapts to diverse industrial and commercial applications. ThermoZmart is not just a pipe; it's your partner for a more efficient and sustainable future in thermal management.

Benefits of Thermozmart pre-insulated pipe

PVC C-40
PVC C-40
  • ENERGY SAVINGS by reducing heat losses.
  • SAVINGS in maintenance, by preventing insulation from coming into contact with installation-specific situations.
  • Reduction in the risk of condensation due to the rupture of unstable vapor barriers.
  • Prevents external accumulation of fungi and bacteria.
  • Mechanical protection and vapor barrier.
  • Optimal density in polyurethane insulation.
  • Customized solutions, we adapt to the requirements of your system and/or project.
  • The outer jacket has a UV-resistant element (Polyethylene).
  • Lower structural weight..
  • High resistance to impact from external elements to your installation.

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Frequently Asked : Questions (FAQs)

ThermoZmart is the brand of the Pre Insulated Pipes and Fittings System configured, designed, and manufactured by Teksol Group Solutions.

As part of its supply strategy, Teksol has different sites from which the pre-insulated pipe and fittings system is supplied. Therefore, knowing the location of your project, the best origin location for system supply to the destination port will be designed.

  • Chilled/cold water
  • Hot water
  • Water with glycol
  • Ammonia
  • Refrigerant gas, variable volume
  • District cooling and heating

Pre-insulated pipes with corrugated mechanical protection, as the grooves of the corrugated mechanical protection of Polyethylene allow it to adapt to the irregularities of the terrain, without the need for a concrete bed. It is recommended to analyze the central pipe to be used depending on the application.

  • Installation time, as three products are installed in one solution. -
  • Reduction of labor.
  • Reduction of condensation risks due to oversight when installing traditional systems or unintentional ruptures of the vapor barrier; condensation can generate both heat losses and structural damage to the building.
  • It is recommended to use a mechanical protection made of Polyethylene.

The insulating power of a material is measured through the evaluation of its thermal conductivity, or "K" Factor. This value indicates the amount of heat that a sample of a certain material allows to pass during a certain time, with a temperature differential between one side and the other.

  • PVC C40/80, PPR, Steel, PB-1, PEX
  • CPVC, PPR, PE, Copper
  • PEAD
  • Steel
  • Copper, Pex Al Pex

These are the main ones, however, if you have any specific requirements, please write to:; and a technical advisor will guide you.

  • PVC C40/80
  • CPVC C80
  • PPR (Polypropylene)
  • Steel
  • ThermoZmart is the brand of rigid pre-insulated pipes manufactured by Teksol, however, for more than 15 years we have handled different solutions in pre-insulated pipes, including flexible ones. Therefore, please send us an email and we will gladly assist you:
  • No, ThermoZmart is the name given to the pre-insulated pipe and fittings system solution. Teksol does not manufacture central pipes, these are acquired from different manufacturers worldwide, with the highest quality standards.
  • This depends on the type of central pipe, but as an example, we supply PVC/CPVC pipes in lengths of 5.8/6 meters.

The vapor barrier is an element that prevents the generation of interstitial dampness or condensation. It is a very effective and inexpensive method, and, in addition, the materials used in the construction may themselves perform this function.

Some examples:

  • Elements integrated into thermal insulation, such as:
    • Rubbers, surface layer
    • Polyolefins, integrated throughout their mass
    • XLPE, aluminum foil
    • Granular glass, blanket
    • Fiberglass, aluminum foil
    • Pre-insulated pipes, PVC/PE
  • It is an element that prevents the passage of humid air through the cells of a material, seeking to avoid condensation problems and excessive energy consumption.
  • Examples:
    1. Hydraulic PVC,
    2. PEAD
    3. Aluminum foil
    4. Stainless steel
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