Red Fire Piping

RED FIRE System: PP-R and Fiberglass Piping and Fittings with B-s1,d0 Classification for Fire Fighting Networks. Certified by AENOR and FM Approval. Fire resistance and safety guaranteed.

Application Fields

  • Equipped Hydrants (BIES)
  • Automatic Sprinkler Systems
  • Light and Common Risk Installations
  • Fixed Fire Protection Systems
  • Wet Systems

Key Features

  • Lightweight compared to other pipes
  • Raw material with fire retardant b-s1, d0
  • Corrosion and scaling resistant
  • Chemical resistant
  • Low maintenance
  • Requires less space for installation
  • Superior flame and smoke resistance
  • Intermediate layer of fiberglass
  • High environmental compatibility
Tubería para red contra incendios

General Information about Red Fire Pipe

Red Fire is a piping system in PP-R and fiberglass developed for installation in fire extinguishing networks.

he RED FIRE pipe features a tri-composite structure: inner layer PP-R 100, middle layer PP-R 100 + fiberglass, and outer layer PP-R 100

All three layers have a flame retardant additive incorporated, giving the pipe its fire resistance.

Accessories are also made of random copolymer polypropylene with the addition of flame retardant.

With a fire reaction classification, B-s1, d0, the RED FIRE system has the best fire reaction classification possible for a polymeric material. The RED FIRE system is certified for application in sprinkler networks and BIE's by the AENOR entity and by FM Approval for wet automatic sprinkler network applications.

Applicable Standards and Certifications

Fire Performance Classification of Products and Building Elements.

Fixed fire-fighting installations; Hose systems.

Fixed fire-fighting installations; Automatic sprinkler systems; Concepts, installation and maintenance.

Fire reaction tests for construction products: conditioning procedures and general rules for sample selection.

Sistemas de tuberías de plásticas para instalaciones de agua caliente y fría – Polipropileno (PP).

Polypropylene (PP) pipes: Dimensions.

Polypropylene (PP) pipes: General quality requirements and testing.

Regulation applicable to pipes and accessories for sprinkler systems.


Fire Performance Classification of construction products and elements.

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